CHAPTER 15. UTILITIESCHAPTER 15. UTILITIES\Article 4. Sewer Connections

Article 4. Sewer Connections

The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purpose, situated within the city and abutting any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary sewer of the city, is hereby required at his/her expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provision of this article, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within 140 feet of the property line.

(Code 2014)

(a)   No person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the city.

(b)   There shall be charged a fee set by council payable at the time of making application for the permit.

(c)   Only bonded plumbers can hook up a service line to a sewer main.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)

Any person desiring to make a connection to the city sewer system shall apply in writing to the city clerk who shall forward the application to the utility department head. The application shall contain:

(a)   The legal description of the property to be connected.

(b)   The name and address of the owner or owners of the property.

(c)   The kind of property to be connected (residential, commercial, or industrial).

(d)   The point of proposed connection to the city sewer line.

(Code 2014)

(a)   All costs and expense incident to the installation and connection or moving of the building sewer shall be paid by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the city from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.

(b)   When an installation, connection, relocation, or repair of a sewer requires excavation of any portion of any city street, the city shall pay for the gravel and street patch material required to restore the excavation and complete said installation.

(Code 2014)

The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at the “Y” branch if such branch is available at a suitable location. Where no properly located “Y” branch is available, the connection shall be made in the manner approved by the utility department head and at a location designated by the department head.

(Code 2014)

Separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be feasibly constructed to the rear building. In such case, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer.

(Code 2014)

The building sewer shall be constructed of cast iron pipe, ASTM specifications A74-42, or approved equal; vitrified clay sewer pipe, ASTM specifications C13-44T, or approved equal; or an approved plastic pipe. Any plastic pipe to be installed on any building sewer shall not be approved by the city until the owner has furnished descriptive literature and typical sample section of the plastic pipe proposed for installation, to the city for inspection and review. All joints on all pipes installed shall be tight and waterproof. Any part of the building sewer that is located within 10 feet of a water service pipe or city water main shall be constructed of approved cast iron soil pipe with approved joints.  No building sewer shall be installed within three feet of existing gas lines. If installed in filled or unstable ground, the building sewer shall be constructed of cast iron soil pipe, except that non-metallic material may be accepted if laid on a suitable concrete bed or cradle as approved by the city.

(Code 2014)

The size and slope of the building sewer to be installed shall be subject to the approval of the wastewater department head, but in no event shall the diameter of the pipe be less than four inches. The slope at which a six-inch pipe is to be laid shall be not less than 1/8 inch per foot and for four-inch pipe, not less than ¼ inch per foot.  Any grades for the pipe, which are proposed for installation at grades less than these specified, shall be approved by the city wastewater department head prior to placement.

(Code 2014)

Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. No building sewer shall be laid parallel to or within three feet of any bearing wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The building sewer shall be laid at a uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible.  Changes in direction shall be made only with approved curved pipe and fittings, including cleanout fittings.

(Code 2014)

At buildings in which the building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged to the building sewer. The use of any pumping equipment for which cross-connections with a public water supply system are needed, is prohibited. The total costs of pumping equipment and pumping equipment operational costs shall be those of the owner.

(Code 2014)

No building sewer shall be laid across a cesspool, septic tank or vault until the cesspool, septic tank or vault has been well cleaned and filled with an approved earth or sand fill, then thoroughly tamped and water settled.  Cast iron pipes may be used across cesspools or septic tanks if proper bedding and support for the sewer pipe is acquired.

(Code 2014)

All excavation required for the installation of the building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the city. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with ASTM specifications C12-19, except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected and approved.

(Code 2014)

All joints in the building sewers shall be made watertight. If recommended by the wastewater department head, a water pressure test shall be made on the completed sewer to ensure compliance with this requirement, requiring that the building sewer withstand an internal water pressure of 5 psi., without leakage.

Cast iron pipe with lead joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp and filled with molten lead, Federal Specification QQ-L-156, not less than one inch deep. Lead shall be run in one pour and caulked and packed tight. No paint, varnish or other coatings shall be permitted on the jointing material until after the joint has been tested and approved.

All joints in vitrified clay pipe shall be the polyurethane-compression type joints, approved by the wastewater department head.

Joints for all plastic pipes used in building sewers shall be the slip type joints or solvent weld type, approved by the city.

Joints between any two different types of pipes shall be made with lead, asphalt jointing materials or concrete, as approved by the city. All joints shall be watertight and constructed to insure minimum root penetration and to the satisfaction of the city.

(Code 2014)

All excavations for buildings sewers shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, parkways, and other public property removed or damaged during the installation of the building sewer, shall be repaired or replaced in a manner acceptable to the city and at the total expense of the owner.  It is further agreed that any parties involved in any excavating or installation work for sewer installations as above set out, will hold the city harmless from any and all damages to persons or property resulting from or growing out of any opening or excavation or any negligence act or from any operation made within the city.

(Code 2014)

(a)   If any person as defined in Section 1-102 shall fail to connect any dwelling or building with the sewer system after being noticed, the city may cause such buildings to be connected with the sewer system as authorized by K.S.A. 12-631.

(b)   The cost and expense, including section fees, shall be assessed against the property. Until such assessments shall have been collected and paid to the city the cost of making such connection may be paid from the general fund or through the issuance of no fund warrants.

(Code 2014)

It shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage except as provided in this article.

(Code 2014)

Where a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions of Section 15-402 the building sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system complying with the provisions of Sections 15-417 to 15-422.

(Code 2014)

Before commencing construction of a private sewage disposal system, the owner shall first obtain a written permit signed by the wastewater department head. The application shall be accompanied by any plans, specifications or other information deemed necessary by the utility superintendent.  A permit and inspection fee to be set by the council shall be paid to the city at the time the application is filed.

(Code 2014)

The wastewater department head or his/her authorized representative shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction and the applicant shall notify the wastewater department head when the work is ready for final inspection or before any underground portions are covered. The inspection shall be made within 48 hours of the receipt of notice by the department head.

(Code 2014)

(a)   The type, capacities, location, and layout of the private sewage disposal system shall comply with all recommendations and requirements of the Water Pollution Control Section of the Kansas State Department of Health. No permit shall be issued for any private sewage disposal system employing subsurface soil absorption facilities where the area of the lot is less than one acre. No septic tank or cesspool shall be permitted to discharge to any public sewer or natural outlet.

(b)   At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system, as provided in Section 15-402, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with this article and abandoned and filled with suitable and acceptable materials.

(Code 2014)

No statement contained in this article shall be construed to interfere with any additional requirements that may be imposed by the city or county health officer.

(Code 2014)

It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or discharge from any source whatsoever any sewage or human excrement upon any public or private grounds within the city or to permit the contents of any privy, vault, or septic tank to be deposited or discharged upon the surface of any grounds. Any unauthorized or unapproved privy vault, septic tank or other means or places for the disposal of sewage, excrement and polluted water may be abated as a public nuisance upon the order of the city or county board of health the accordance with the laws of Kansas.

(Code 2014)

It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to break maliciously, willfully, or negligently, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any sewer, structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is part of the municipal sewer system.

(Code 2014)

It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the city or in any area under the jurisdiction of the city any sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, or other polluted waters except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with the provisions of this article.

(Code 2014)

The size, slope, alignment, materials, excavation, placing of pipe, jointing, testing, and backfilling shall all conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing codes or other applicable rules and regulations of the city.

(Code 2014)

Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the department head, to meet all requirements of this article.

(Code 2014)

All garages, filling stations, milk plants or other commercial or industrial plants connected to the public sewer shall construct and maintain proper and sufficient interceptors or traps to prevent the discharge of any sand, mud, sediment, litter, waste, or any substance harmful to the effective operation and maintenance of the city sewer system, into the building sewer.

(Code 2014)

(a)   It shall be unlawful to connect downspouts from any roof area, drains from any building foundation, paved areas, yards, or open courts or to discharge liquid wastes from any air conditioning unit or cooling device having a capacity in excess of one ton per hour or one horsepower into any city sanitary sewer.

(b)   All discharges prohibited in subsection (a) may be discharged into the public gutter or storm drains or open drainage ditches provided such discharge does not create a nuisance. No such liquids may be discharged into any unpaved street or alley.

(Code 2014)

Discharges from air conditioning units in excess of one ton per hour or one horsepower may be permitted into a building sewer upon approval of the utility superintendent where there is a finding that such cooling water cannot be re-circulated and that such waste water does not overload the capacity of the sewer or interfere with the effective operation of the sewage disposal works of the city.

(Code 2014)

No person shall discharge any of the following waters or wastes to any public sewer:

(a)   Liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit;

(b)   Water or waste which may contain more than 100 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil, or grease;

(c)   Gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas;

(d)   Garbage that has not been properly shredded;

(e)   Ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure or any other solid viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works;

(f)   Waters or wastes having a ph lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewage works;

(g)   Waters or wastes containing a toxic poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant;

(h)   Water or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant;

(i)    Noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance.

(Code 2014)

Bills shall be rendered monthly as provided in Section 15-222 and shall be collected as a combined utility bill.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)

(a)   In the event any person, except the United State and the State of Kansas or any political subdivision thereof, shall fail to pay the user charges when due, water service shall be terminated as provided in Sections 15-102:104.

(b)   In lieu of terminating water service, the governing body may elect to access such delinquent charges as a lien upon the real estate serviced as provided in Section 15-106 and the city clerk shall certify such delinquent charges to the county clerk to be placed on the tax roll and collected in like manner as other taxes are collected.

(Code 2014)