The Standard Traffic Ordinance as adopted is hereby modified by adding thereto the following:
The governing body may, by resolution, establish and fix the location of such traffic control devices as may be deemed necessary to guide and warn traffic under the provisions of this chapter, other traffic ordinances and the state laws. The city shall place and maintain such traffic control signs, signals, and devices when and as may be required by the authority of the governing body to make effective the provisions of this chapter and other ordinances for the regulation of traffic. Any official traffic control device placed pursuant to this section shall be marked and labeled on a map of the City of Pleasanton for the purpose of displaying all such traffic control devices and shall be filed with the city clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours of business.
(Code 2014)
(a) No traffic sign, whether permanently or temporarily posted may be altered in wording, location, or color, except by an employee of the city.
(b) The penalty shall be a fine of not less than $10 or more than $50 for each offense.
(Code 2014)
Those acts which cause or create unnecessary rapid acceleration, unnecessary tire squealing, skid, smoke, or slide, upon acceleration or stopping, including the casting of tread, gravel, dirt, or other road surface materials from the tires; acts that cause the vehicle to unnecessarily turn abruptly, sway or lose traction with the road surface are prohibited.
(Code 2014)
It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle off of the prepared roadway surface at any city lake, where the operation of such vehicle will cause any depression or rutting of any of the grassy areas.
(Code 2014; Code 2024)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride any bicycle, tricycle, wheeled conveyance, skateboard, skates, or any other vehicle of like nature upon any sidewalk on either side of Main Street from 6th Street to 12th Street within the city.
(b) Any parent or guardian of any minor who authorizes or knowingly permits such minor to violate subsection (a) hereof shall be deemed to be in violation of said section.
(Code 2014)
It shall be unlawful for any person to attach any sign or device to any traffic control sign or to the pole attached thereto.
(Code 2014)
(1) Licensed vehicle means any vehicle that is or may be licensed for operation on streets and highways within the State of Kansas under the statutes of the State or City Code.
(2) Unlicensed vehicle means any vehicle that may not be licensed to operate on streets and highways within the State of Kansas or which is not regulated by the statutes of the State of Kansas.
(b) OPERATION OF LICENSED VEHICLES ON CITY OWNED PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any unauthorized LICENSED VEHICLE, including, but not limited to automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles, on any property owned or leased by the City of Pleasanton, Kansas, unless said operation shall be upon the designated and prepared roadways and parking areas within said city property.
(c) OPERATION OF UNLICENSED VEHICLES ON CITY OWNED PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any unauthorized UNLICENSED VEHICLE on any property owned or leased by the City of Pleasanton, Kansas.
(d) PENALTY. Each separate violation of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50) and not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500). In addition to any fines assessed hereunder, violators, upon conviction, shall pay restitution to the city the cost of repairing any damages done to barriers, signage or grounds resulting from said violation.
(Code 2014; Code 2024)
(a) Operation of All-Terrain Vehicles.
(1) An All-Terrain Vehicle may be operated upon the public highways, streets, roads, and alleys (streets and roads) within the corporate limits of the City between the hours of sunrise to sunset subject to the provisions of this article, except that, an All-Terrain Vehicle that is in compliance with the lighting requirements for motorcycles as defined in K.S.A. 18-180 et seq. may be operated at any time of day or night under K.S.A. 8-15,100(e). Specifically, All-Terrain Vehicles must have headlamps that comply with K.S.A. 18-1801; tail lamps that comply with that comply with K.S.A. 18-1802; reflectors that comply with K.S.A. 18-1803; stop lamps and turn signals that comply with K.S.A. 18-1804; and multiple-beam road-lighting equipment that comply with K.S.A. 18-1805.
(2) No All-Terrain Vehicle may be operated on public property other than the City streets and roads.
(3) No All-Terrain Vehicle may be operated on private property without first obtaining the permission of the property owner.
(4) All All-Terrain Vehicles shall have headlights which shall be operational and on while being operated.
(5) All All-Terrain Vehicles shall be required to have insurance coverage in accordance with the Kansas Automobile Injury Reparations Act (K.S.A. 40-3101 et seq.), and proof of such insurance shall be provided before any All-Terrain Vehicle may be registered and operated on any of the City streets and roads.
(6) No person shall operate an All-Terrain Vehicle on the streets and roads within the City limits unless such person has a valid driver’s license.
(b) All-Terrain Vehicle means any motorized nonhighway vehicle 50 inches or less in width having a dry weight of 1,500 pounds or less, traveling on three or more low-pressure nonhighway tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator. As used in this subsection, nonhighway tire means any pneumatic tire six inches or more in width designed for use on wheels with rim diameter of 14 inches or less.
(c) City officials or their designees in the performance of official duties are permitted to operate All Terrain Vehicles upon City property at any time.
(d) City permit and registration.
(1) All All-Terrain Vehicles before they can be operated within the City shall be registered with the City, and each registration must be renewed annually on or before January 31 of each year.
(2) Application for registration of an All-Terrain Vehicle shall be made by the owner in Office of the City Clerk. The application shall be made upon forms provided by the City.
(3) The annual registration fee for an All-Terrain Vehicle shall be $20.00 annually.
(4) At the time of registration of an All-Terrain Vehicle, each All-Terrain Vehicle shall receive from the City a reflective sticker that shall be prominently displayed on the right (R) rear of the All-Terrain Vehicle. It is unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any registration sticker during the sticker’s current applicable year.
(5) Registrations and permits are non-transferable and the registration fee is not pro-rated.
(6) At the time of the registration of all All-Terrain Vehicles, it shall be required that the owner provide proof that the personal property taxes have been paid on the All-Terrain Vehicle for the current year.
(e) Traffic ordinances. Every person operating an All-Terrain Vehicle upon the streets and roads within the corporate limits of the City shall be subject to all the laws applicable to a driver of a motor vehicle as specified in the Standard Traffic Ordinances and the Pleasanton city code and amendments thereto, including penalties. However, nothing herein shall require All Terrain Vehicles to be equipped with any of the equipment required to be installed in or on motor vehicles, except as specifically required in this article.
(f) Helmets. No person under the age of 18 years shall operate or ride upon an All-Terrain Vehicle unless wearing a helmet which complies with the minimum guidelines established by the National Highway Safety Administration pursuant to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and for other motor vehicle users.
(g) Number of occupants. No more than two (2) persons, meaning the driver and one (1) passenger, shall ride on, or inside, an All-Terrain Vehicle.
(h) Revocation of permit. If the Owner/Operator of an All-Terrain Vehicle is convicted of two (2) violations under this article in any twelve (12) month period, the permit to operate his All-Terrain Vehicle for the remainder of the calendar year following the second conviction shall be revoked.
(i) Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be punished upon conviction by a fine in an amount not less than $75.00 and not more than $500.00.
(Code 2014; Code 2024)
(a) Operation of Golf Carts.
(1) A Golf Cart may be operated upon the public highways, streets, roads, and alleys (streets and roads) within the corporate limits of the City between the hours of sunrise to sunset subject to the provisions of this article, except that, a Golf Cart that is in compliance with the lighting requirements for motorcycles as defined in K.S.A. 18-180 et seq. and having a properly mounted slow-moving vehicle emblem as required by K.S.A. 8-1717 may be operated at any time of day or night under K.S.A. 8-15,108(c). Specifically, Golf Carts must have headlamps that comply with K.S.A. 18-1801; tail lamps that comply with that comply with K.S.A. 18-1802; reflectors that comply with K.S.A. 18-1803; stop lamps and turn signals that comply with K.S.A. 18-1804; and multiple-beam road-lighting equipment that comply with K.S.A. 18-1805.
(2) No Golf Cart may be operated on public property.
(3) No Golf Cart may be operated on private property without first obtaining the permission of the property owner.
(4) All Golf Carts shall have headlights which shall be operational and on while being operated.
(5) All Golf Carts shall be required to have insurance coverage in accordance with the Kansas Automobile Injury Reparations Act (K.S.A. 40-3101 et seq.).
(b) Golf Cart means a motor vehicle that has not less than three wheels in contact with the ground, an unladen weight of not more than 1,800 pounds, is designed to be and is operated at not more than 25 miles per hour and is designed to carry not more than four persons including the driver.
(c) City officials or their designees in the performance of official duties are permitted to operate Golf Carts upon City property at any time.
(d) City permit and registration.
(1) All Golf Carts before they can be operated within the City shall be registered with the City, and each registration must be renewed annually on or before January 31 of each year
(2) Application for registration of a Golf Cart shall be made by the owner in office of the City Clerk. The application shall be made upon forms provided by the City.
(3) The annual registration fee for a Golf Cart shall be $20.00 annually.
(4) At the time of registration of a Golf Cart, each Golf Cart shall receive from the City a reflective sticker that shall be prominently displayed on the right (R) rear of the Golf Cart. It is unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any registration sticker during the sticker’s current applicable year.
(5) Registrations and permits are non-transferable and the registration fee is not pro-rated.
(6) At the time of the registration of all Golf Carts, it shall be required that the owner provide proof that the personal property taxes have been paid on the Golf Cart for the current year and that the Golf Cart is insured.
(e) Traffic ordinances. Every person operating a Golf Cart upon the streets and roads within the corporate limits of the City shall be subject to all the laws applicable to a driver of a motor vehicle as specified in the Standard Traffic Ordinances and the Pleasanton city code and amendments thereto, including penalties. However, nothing herein shall require Golf Carts to be equipped with any of the equipment required to be installed in or on motor vehicles, except as specifically required in this article.
(f) Number of occupants. The maximum number of occupants in a Golf Cart shall be no more than four (4) and shall otherwise be limited to the number of persons for whom individual seating is installed or provided in such vehicle. The operator and all occupants shall be seated in such vehicle and no part of the body of the operator or occupant shall extend outside the perimeter of the Golf Cart while it is in motion.
(g) Revocation of permit. If the Owner/Operator of a Golf Cart is convicted of two (2) violations under this article in any twelve (12) month period, the permit to operate his Golf Cart for the remainder of the calendar year following the second conviction shall be revoked.
(Code 2024)
(a) Operation of Work-Site Utility Vehicles.
(1) A Work-Site Utility Vehicle may be operated upon the public highways, streets, roads, and alleys (streets and roads) within the corporate limits of the City between the hours of sunrise to sunset subject to the provisions of this article, except that, a Work-Site Utility Vehicle that is in compliance with the lighting requirements for motorcycles as defined in K.S.A. 18-180 et seq. may be operated at any time of day or night under K.S.A. 8-15,109 (d). Specifically, Work-Site Utility Vehicles must have headlamps that comply with K.S.A. 18-1 801; tail lamps that comply with that comply with K.S.A. 18-1802; reflectors that comply with K.S.A. 18-1803; stop lamps and turn signals that comply with K.S.A. 18-1804; and multiple-beam road-lighting equipment that comply with K.S.A. 18-1805.
(2) No Work-Site Utility Vehicle may be operated on public property, other than the City streets and roads.
(3) No Work-Site Utility Vehicle may be operated on private property without first obtaining the permission of the property owner.
(4) All Work-Site Utility Vehicles shall have headlights which shall be operational and on while being operated.
(5) All Work-Site Utility Vehicles pulling a trailer shall have working trailer lights.
(6) All Work-Site Utility Vehicles shall be required to have insurance coverage in accordance with the Kansas Automobile Injury Reparations Act (K.S.A. 40-3101 et seq.), and proof of such insurance shall be provided before any Work-Site Utility Vehicles may be registered and operated on any of the City streets and roads.
(7) No person shall operate a Work-Site Utility Truck on the streets and roads within the City limits unless such person has a valid driver’s license.
(b) Work-Site Utility Vehicle means any motor vehicle which is not less than 48 inches in width, has an overall length, including the bumper, of not more than 135 inches, has an unladen weight, including fuel and fluids, of more than 800 pounds and is equipped with four or more low pressure tires, a steering wheel and bench or bucket-type seating allowing at least two people to sit side-by-side, and may be equipped with a bed or cargo box for hauling materials. “Work-site utility vehicle” does not include a micro-utility truck.
(c) City officials. City officials or their designees in the performance of official duties are permitted to operate Work-Site Utility Vehicles upon City property at any time.
(d) City permit and registration.
(1) All Work-Site Utility Vehicles before they can be operated within the City shall be registered with the City, and each registration must be renewed annually on or before January 31 of each year.
(2) Application for registration of a Work-Site Utility Vehicle shall be made by the owner in Office of the City Clerk. The application shall be made upon forms provided by the City.
(3) The annual registration fee for a Work-Site Utility Vehicle shall be $20.00 annually.
(4) At the time of registration of a Work-Site Utility Vehicle, each Work-Site Utility Vehicle shall receive from the City a reflective sticker that shall be prominently displayed on the right (R) rear of the Work-Site Utility Vehicle. It is unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any registration sticker during the sticker’s current applicable year.
(5) Registrations and permits are non-transferable and the registration fee is not pro-rated.
(6) At the time of the registration of all Work-Site Utility Vehicles, it shall be required that the owner provide proof that the personal property taxes have been paid on the Work-Site Utility Vehicle for the current year and that the Work-Site Utility Vehicle is insured.
(e) Traffic ordinances. Every person operating a Work-Site Utility Vehicle upon the streets and roads within the corporate limits of the City shall be subject to all the laws applicable to a driver of a motor vehicle as specified in the Standard Traffic Ordinances and Pleasanton Municipal Code and amendments thereto, including penalties. However, nothing herein shall require Work-Site Utility Vehicles to be equipped with any of the equipment required to be installed in or on motor vehicles, except as specifically required in this article.
(f) Number of occupants. The maximum number of occupants in a Work-Site Utility Vehicle shall be no more than four (4) and shall otherwise be limited to the number of persons for whom individual seating is installed or provided in such vehicle. The operator and all occupants shall be seated in such vehicle and no part of the body of the operator or occupant shall extend outside the perimeter of the Work-Site Utility Vehicle while it is in motion.
(g) Revocation of permit. If the Owner/Operator of a Work-Site Utility Vehicle is convicted of two (2) violations under this article in any twelve (12) month period, the permit to operate his Work-Site Utility Vehicle for the remainder of the calendar year following the second conviction shall be revoked.
(h) Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be punished upon conviction by a fine in an amount not less than $75.00 and not more than $500.00.
(Code 2024)
(a) Operation of Micro-Utility Trucks.
(1) A Micro-Utility Truck may be operated upon the public highways, streets, roads, and alleys (streets and roads) within the corporate limits of the City between the hours of sunrise to sunset subject to the provisions of this article.
(2) No Micro-Utility Truck may be operated on public property, other than the City streets and roads.
(3) No Micro-Utility Truck may be operated on private property without first obtaining the permission of the property owner.
(4) All Micro-Utility Trucks shall have headlights which shall be operational and on while being operated.
(5) All Micro-Utility Trucks shall be required to have insurance coverage in accordance with the Kansas Automobile Injury Reparations Act (K.S.A. 40-3101 et seq.), and proof of such insurance shall be provided before any Micro-Utility Truck may be registered and operated on any of the City streets and roads.
(6) No person shall operate a Micro-Utility Truck on the streets and roads within the City limits unless such person has a valid driver’s license.
(b) Micro-Utility Truck means any motor vehicle which is not less than 48 inches in width, has an overall length, including the bumper, of not more than 160 inches, has an unladen weight, including fuel and fluids, of more than 1,500 lbs., can exceed 40 mph as originally manufactured, and is manufactured with a metal cab.
(c) City officials or their designees in the performance of official duties are permitted to operate Micro-Utility Trucks upon City property at any time.
(d) City permit and registration.
(1) All Micro-Utility Trucks before they can be operated within the City shall be registered with the City, and each registration must be renewed annually on or before January 31 of each year.
(2) Application for registration of a Micro-Utility Truck shall be made by the owner in Office of the City Clerk. The application shall be made upon forms provided by the City.
(3) The annual registration fee for a Micro-Utility Truck shall be $20.00 annually.
(4) At the time of registration of a Micro-Utility Truck, each Micro-Utility Truck shall receive from the City a reflective sticker that shall be prominently displayed on the right (R) rear of the Micro-Utility Truck. It is unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any registration sticker during the sticker’s current applicable year.
(5) Registrations and permits are non-transferable and the registration fee is not pro-rated.
(6) At the time of the registration of all Micro-Utility Trucks, it shall be required that the owner provide proof that the personal property taxes have been paid on the Micro-Utility Truck for the current year.
(e) Traffic ordinances. Every person operating a Micro-Utility Truck upon the streets and roads within the corporate limits of the City shall be subject to all the laws applicable to a driver of a motor vehicle as specified in the Standard Traffic Ordinances and the Pleasanton city code and amendments thereto, including penalties. However, nothing herein shall require Micro-Utility Trucks to be equipped with any of the equipment required to be installed in or on motor vehicles, except as specifically required in this article.
(f) Number of occupants. The maximum number of occupants in a Micro-Utility Truck shall be no more than four (4) and shall otherwise be limited to the number of persons for whom individual seating is installed or provided in such vehicle. The operator and all occupants shall be seated in such vehicle and no part of the body of the operator or occupant shall extend outside the perimeter of the Micro-Utility Truck while it is in motion.
(g) Revocation of permit. If the Owner/Operator of a Micro-Utility Truck is convicted of two (2) violations under this article in any twelve (12) month period, the permit to operate his Micro-Utility Truck for the remainder of the calendar year following the second conviction shall be revoked.
(h) Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be punished upon conviction by a fine in an amount not less than $75.00 and not more than $500.00.
(Code 2024)
Low-Profile Motorized Vehicle shall mean any motorized vehicle that:
(1) Is not regulated by the State or by any other City Code provision;
(2) Is not otherwise permitted upon the highways or sidewalks;
(3) Is less than thirty-six inches (36”) in height when in its normal operating position, notwithstanding any flag, antenna, or other device attached or modification made thereto;
(4) Is not a lawn mower, lawn tractor, or other motorized lawn care device.
(a) Operation of Low-Profile Motorized Vehicle on City Streets and Alleys. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or for the owner thereof knowingly to permit the operation, upon any street, sidewalk, or alley within the city limits of the City of Pleasanton, Kansas, of any Low-Profile Motorized Vehicle.
(b) Operation of Low-Profile Motorized Vehicle on City Owned or Leased Property. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or for the owner thereof knowingly to permit the operation, upon any city owned or leased property within or outside the city limits of the City of Pleasanton, Kansas, of any Low-Profile Motorized Vehicle, with the exception that this provision shall not apply to city sponsored or city approved special events occurring on such city owned or leased property.
(c) Penalty. Each violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $500.
(Code 2014)
Pursuant to K.S.A. 8-1560, the speed limit on all streets within the City of Pleasanton, Kansas, shall be 30 miles per hour, except in those areas designated by ordinance to be school zones or a business district or otherwise determined by an engineering and traffic investigation to require a lesser speed limit, which speed limit shall be 20 miles per hour.
(Code 2014)
(a) The following streets are hereby designated a School Zone with a speed limit of 20 miles per hour:
• Park Street from School Street (aka Ash Street) to Sycamore Street;
• 13th Street from School Street (aka Ash Street) to Sycamore Street;
• 12th Street from School Street (aka Ash Street) to Sycamore Street;
• 10th Street from School Street (aka Ash Street) to Sycamore Street;
• Cedar Street from Park Street to 10th Street;
• Walnut Street from Park Street to 10th Street;
• School Street (aka Ash Street) from Park Street to West Lakes Lane; and
• That part of West Lakes Lane from the point of its intersection with 10th Street to a point 500 feet west of School Street (aka Ash Street).
(b) The speed limit of 20 mph established herein for school zones shall be effective only during days of school operation between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
(Code 2014)
The following streets are hereby designated a Business District with a speed limit of 20 mph:
• Main Street from 6th Street to 12th Street
• Laurel Street from 12th Street to Park Street
• 12th Street from Depot Street to Laurel Street
• Depot Street from 6th Street to 12th Street
• Linn Street from 6th Street to 12th Street
• 6th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
• 7th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
• 8th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
• 9th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
• 10th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
• 11th Street from Depot Street to Linn Street
(Code 2014)
The City Public Works Department is hereby ordered to install appropriate signage, including “Reduced Speed Ahead” signs pursuant to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
(Code 2014)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any of the below listed vehicles upon any public street, lane, highway or alleyway within the City of Pleasanton, unless such vehicle is licensed by the State of Kansas for operation upon the highways of the State and is operated pursuant to all enacted vehicle operating regulations or:
(1) Is fitted with an orange warning flag extending at least 8 feet above the surface of the street or slow-moving vehicle symbol; and
(2) Is operated pursuant to all enacted vehicle operating regulations; and
(3) Is only operated on the street, lane, highway, or alleyway in locations where no suitable sidewalk exists for such operation;
(b) The vehicles covered by this section are:
(1) Any Motorized Personal Assistive Mobility Device, as defined in the Standard Traffic Ordinance;
(2) Any Motorized Skateboard or similar motorized scooter;
(3) Any Motorized Wheelchair;
(4) Any Low Power Cycle.
(Ord. 1958; Code 2014; Ord. 2031)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing a motor-driven or motor-propelled vehicle in any area designated and established as a No Parking Zone.
(b) Permanent No Parking Zones shall be established and eliminated by ordinance of City Council, amending this Code to create or eliminate such Zones.
(c) Permanent No Parking Zones shall include:
(1) Both sides of Ash Street between West Lakes Lane and Park Street.
(d) Temporary No Parking Zones shall be established and eliminated as needed by ordinance or resolution of the City Council or by written Order of the City Administrator or the Chief of Police.
(e) No Parking Zones shall be enforceable upon being established as described above and upon the installation of appropriate signage notifying the public of the existence of the No Parking Zone.
(f) City Staff are hereby ordered and authorized to erect appropriate signs and other markings as deemed appropriate to notify the public of the existence of No Parking Zones.
(g) Upon conviction, persons violating this section shall be subject to a fine of up to $500 for each separate violation.
(Ord. 2032)
(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined the sum of $25.00; provided, however, that any person who, within the immediately preceding 30 days, has been convicted of a violation of any provision of this article, shall be fined the sum of $100.00.
(b) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a truck in excess of a rated capacity of 12 tons; or a truck-trailer or semitrailer in excess of a rated capacity of 20 tons on any street in the city, other than the following:
• 6th Street from US Highway 69 to Main Street
• Main Street from 6th Street to 12th Street
• 12th Street from Main Street to Laurel Street
• Laurel Street from 12th Street to the City Limits
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
• Emergency vehicles, such as ambulances or fire trucks;
• Street, sewer, gas, electric or other utility repair and maintenance vehicles;
• Vehicles providing local delivery or merchandise, goods, or mail;
• Vehicles for the purpose of collection of trash and refuse;
• Vehicles belonging to or contracted to work for municipalities.
(d) No person shall park any truck, trailer, or semitrailer in any residential section of the city, other than those vehicles designated in subsection (c) except that a tractor without trailer may be parked in a residential area so long as that tractor is not parked on the street but is parked on private property. No person shall park any truck, trailer, or semitrailer, including those vehicles designated in 14-216, on any street in the city where the vehicle may otherwise legally park, for a period of more than one hour. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to pick-up trucks and similar vehicles used for personal transportation.
(Code 2014)
(a) The term jake brake as used herein means any device commonly known by that name or any similar device used to slow a motor vehicle by engine compression creating loud or excessive noises to be emitted through the vehicle’s exhaust system.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person operating a motor vehicle within the limits of the City of Pleasanton to use a “Jake Brake” or air braking system.
(c) Any person convicted of a violation of this section will be deemed guilty of a non-moving traffic violation and punished by a fine of not more than $100.00.
(Code 2024)