CHAPTER 7. FIRECHAPTER 7. FIRE\Article 3. Fireworks

For the purpose of this article, the term fireworks shall mean those items as defined by the rules and regulations of the Kansas State Fire Marshal, and shall include but not be limited to: firecrackers, torpedoes, sparklers, Roman candles, sky rockets, pin wheels, cap or toy pistols (except such pistols or any like device designed to discharge paper caps containing not more than .25 grains of explosive mixture), canes, bombs, cannons or other like devices and all classes of fireworks that may be shot into the air or propelled over the ground by explosive discharges or any device using  blank cartridges.

(Code 2014)

(a)   Except as provided elsewhere in this section; it shall be unlawful for any person to keep, store, display for sale, fire, discharge or explode any fireworks.

(b)   Nothing in this article shall be construed as applying to:

(1)   Toy paper caps containing not more than .25 of a grain of explosive composition per cap;

(2)   The manufacture, storage, sale, or authorized use of signals necessary for the safe operation of railroads or other classes of public or private transportation;

(3)   The military or naval forces of the Unites States or of this state while in the performance of official duty;

(4)   Law enforcement officers while in the performance of official duty; or

(5)   The sale or use of blank cartridges for ceremonial, theatrical or athletic events.

(c)   It shall be unlawful for a parent, legal guardian, person who stands in loco parentis, or a person to  whom legal custody has been given by a court order of any minor person under eighteen years of age to knowingly permit or by inefficient or lack of control allow such minor person to violate any section of this article.

(Code 2014)

(a)   Prohibition of discharging fireworks shall not apply to the firing or discharge of fireworks in the city between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight on June 27 through July 4 of any year.

(b)   The governing body of the city may, in its discretion, grant permission at any time for the public display of fireworks by responsible individuals or organizations when such display or displays shall be of such a character and so located, discharged, and fired as shall not be a fire hazard or endanger persons or surrounding property.

(c)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to give any public display of fireworks without having first obtained a permit thereof.

(d)   No permit shall be granted hereunder prior to the applicant’s providing to the city written verification from the Fire Chief of Pleasanton that the fire department has approved the application, that the fire department has approved the site and arrangements for the display, and that the fire department has detailed equipment and members to be present for the display to supervise all aspects thereof and to assure the safety of all participants and observers.

(Code 2014)

(a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, display for sell, offer to sell, or give away any type of fireworks within the city without first paying a fee of $20.00 per establishment or premises to the city clerk and applying for and securing a permit therefore on or before June 1 of the permit year.

(b)   No permit shall be issued for any location where retail sales are not permitted under the zoning laws, except for locations where retail sales lawfully occurred in June 2005. Prior to the issuance of the permit, an inspection will be made of the applicant’s facility for compliance with this chapter and other pertinent laws, and no permit shall be issued for any premises not in compliance with such laws. Upon qualifying for the permit, the permitted shall prominently display the same at the establishment or premises where fireworks are to be sold or displayed for sale.  The permit fee shall not be refundable upon failure to qualify for the permit or withdrawal or cancellation of the application or permit.

(c)   Any person who has first obtained a valid permit to sell fireworks within the city may do so between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight commencing June 27 and through July 4 of each year.

(d)   Two functioning and approved fire extinguishers must be provided and kept in close proximity to the stock of fireworks in all permanent buildings where fireworks are stored, sold, or displayed for sale.

(e)   Small stands, temporarily erected to be used as a place for storing and selling fireworks only, shall have one such fire extinguisher, or in lieu of the fire extinguisher, a pressurized water hose with nozzle end within five feet of the fireworks stand.

(f)   It shall be unlawful to store, keep, sell, display for sale, or discharge any fireworks within 50 feet of any gasoline pump, gasoline filling station, gasoline bulk station or any building in which gasoline or volatile liquids are sold in quantities in excess of one gallon, except in stores where cleaners, paints and oils are handled in sealed containers only.

(g)   Violators of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined up to $500.000 per violation. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate violation.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)

(a)   All fireworks offered for sale and discharged within the city shall be of a type that has been tested and approved for sale and use within the state by the state fire marshal.

(b)   Bottle rockets and other similar self-propelled firework or fireworks devices consisting of a tube and attached guiding stock or rod shall not be sold for discharge in the city.

(Code 2014)

It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or propel fireworks of any kind in the direction of or into the path of any animal, person, or group of persons, or from in the direction of or into any vehicle of any kind, whether said vehicle is moving or stationary.

(Code 2014)

(a)   It shall be unlawful for fireworks to be stored, sold, or displayed for sale in a place of business where paint, oils, varnishes, turpentine or gasoline or other flammable substances are kept, unless such fireworks are in a separate and distinct section or department of the premises.

(b)   Where the fire chief deems there is a fire hazard, he or she is hereby authorized to have such hazard abated.

(Code 2014)

(a)   All retailers are forbidden to expose fireworks where the sun shines through glass on the merchandise displayed, except where such fireworks are in the original package.

(b)   All fireworks displayed for sale must remain in original packages, except where an attendant is on constant duty at all times where such fireworks are on display; provided, that fireworks in open stock may be kept in show cases or counters out of the reach of the public without an attendant being on duty.

(c)   Signs reading “Fireworks for Sale – No Smoking Allowed” shall be displayed in the section of a store or premises set aside for the sale of fireworks.

(Code 2014)

The chief of the fire department and all law enforcement officers of the city are authorized to seize and confiscate all fireworks which may be kept, stored, or used in violation of any section of this article, and all of the rules of the state fire marshal. He or she shall dispose of all such fireworks as may be directed by the governing body.

(Code 2014)