Article 1. Building Permits

(a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to build, move, remodel, or reconstruct any structure, as defined by the City zoning ordinance, within the City of Pleasanton, without obtaining a building permit pursuant to the requirements of the zoning code.

(b)   A building permit shall be issued upon an application in writing to the office of city clerk on a form or forms provided for the purpose. This application shall, among other things, disclose the following:

(1)   The name of the owner of the lot or tract of ground;

(2)   The location of the building or structure;

(3)   The building work proposed and a drawing of proposed building;

(4)   The outside dimensions of the building by floors and dimensions of the basement (if any);

(5)   The class of occupancy;

(6)   The class of construction;

(7)   The kind of materials to be used for walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, and foundations;

(8)   The estimated cost of the work;

(9)   The date work will commence;

(10) Expected date of completion;

(11) Name and address of contractor or contractors doing the work;

(12) Such other information as may be pertinent to the issuance of the required permit.

(c)   The fee for a building permit shall be $30. The fee herein shall be paid to the city clerk upon obtaining a building permit and the same shall be credited to the general operating fund of the city.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)

Section 4-101 shall not apply to remodeling which does not require structural change to the building involved.

(Code 2014)

Any person intending to demolish or demolishing any structure in the City of Pleasanton shall give notice of such intent or action as soon as is reasonably possible by contacting the city offices and informing the clerk of the location and extent of demolition.

(Code 2014)

(Code 2014)

City building officials, the city superintendent, and the city police department are hereby authorized to issue a Stop Work Order to any person failing to comply with Section 4-101. Upon the issuance of a Stop Work Order, the property owner must cause all work on the structure involved to cease immediately.

(Code 2014)

(a)   Any person who fails to comply with Section 4-101, upon conviction in municipal court, will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

(b)   Every day during which such a violation occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense.

(c)   Persons convicted of violating this article shall be fined not less than $100 and not more than $500 for each separate offense.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)

(a)   All property owners in the City of Pleasanton, Kansas, shall prominently display correct 911-compliant street numbers on the front of each home or business building in a manner that allows said numbers to be readily visible to emergency responders and others from the street.

(b)   Violation of subsection (a) shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of $50.

(c)   Correction of said violation, as verified by written certification by the city police department, prior to defendant’s arraignment date shall result in the charge being dismissed at the city’s cost.

(d)   Upon conviction, said fine shall be suspended upon certification by the city police department in writing that the property owner has corrected the said failure to comply within 10 days of conviction payment of occur cost, if so, order by the court.

(Code 2014; Code 2024)